
Yaser Raja is a Senior Consultant with Professional Services team at Amazon Web Services. He works with customers to build scalable, highly available and secure solutions in AWS cloud. His focus area is homogenous and heterogeneous migrations of on-premise databases to AWS RDS and Aurora PostgreSQL.

Yaser Raja has presented the following presentations

    Peter Celentano Yaser Raja Bi-directional replication with PGlogical at Postgres Conference 2020
    basic setup, monitoring, and lessons learned

    presented by Peter Celentano and Yaser Raja

    In the PostgreSQL ecosystem, we've been waiting for true bi-directonal replication for some time. While we've been promised this feature for some time, it's still not available in PostgreSQL core. There are several solutions that can provide us with this much sought-after feature, but the one we'll be talking about today is PGlogical.

    PGlogical is better know in the community as one of t...


    Ops and Administration
    Yaser Raja Performance Impact of Idle PostgreSQL Connections at Postgres Conference 2020
    A dive into how PostgreSQL manages connections and how idle connections consume resources.

    presented by Yaser Raja

    This presentation will provide an overview of how PostgreSQL manages connections and how idle connections impact performance.

    Following areas will be covered in this presentation:

    • Forking process used for each client connection
    • OS resources utilization
    • Results of various tests showing the resource utilization by idle connections
    • Performance impact of idle connections
    • Recomm...

    Ops and Administration