
Software engineer, computer scientist, software engineer at Yandex, Ph.D., associated professor at Ural Federal University, co-founder of Octonica company. Researching data indexing since 2008. Teaching at Yandex School for Data Analysis and UrFU. Contributing to PostgreSQL since 2016.

Andrey Borodin has presented the following presentations

    Andrey Borodin Data lifecycle management with SPQR and Apache Cloudberry at Postgres Conference 2025
    From shared_buffers to S3, without logical replication

    presented by Andrey Borodin

    There is a common data architecture pattern OLTP-CDC-OLAP. The operational database (OLTP) is constantly rebuilt in an analytical database (OLAP) through change data capture (CDC). CDC processes can be fragile: engineers need to scale them when they scale the databases, update them during database migrations, and constantly monitor them to ensure that everything is up-to-date.

    SPQR (Stateles...


    Variants and Cloud
    Andrey Borodin Introducing SPQR: Stateless Postgres Query Router at Silicon Valley 2022
    On a road to liquid OLTP sharding

    presented by Andrey Borodin

    SPQR is a lightweight OLTP sharding solution written in Go. In this talk, I'm going to discuss design decisions that led us through FDW-based sharding, CustomNode-based sharding, C-implemented lightweight query routing, and finally to SPQR design.

    Fri 8 2022 Dev