Denish Patel DenishPatel
Denish Patel's background spans a wide depth and breadth of expertise and experience in SQL/NoSQL database technologies. Using this knowledge, he helped to architect and designed numerous successful database solutions addressing challenging business requirements. Denish is a Sr. Database Architect/Database engineer. He holds an MBA from the Johns Hopkins University and a BS in Computer Science, and has spoken at various conferences around the globe. He has experience working with various industries and companies - Medallia, WithMe, OmniTI.
Denish Patel presents 3 Events:
Out of the Box Replication in PostgreSQL 9.4 at PGConf US 2016 [PgConf.US]
Advanced Postgres Monitoring at PGConf US 2017 [PgConf.US]
"Why isn't my query using an index?" - Tips on SQL performance to keep on your finger tips! at Postgres Conference