People, Postgres, Data and The World’s Database

The World’s Database celebrates all of Postgres, including PostgreSQL or any version, fork, or hybrid used to build yourself, your business, or your hobby. We have Open and Closed Source technologies. We have amazing extensions (TimescaleDB), unique implementations (Yugabyte), and respected forks to solve specific problems such as Greenplum, Azure, and Aurora. We have meetups where professionals can gather to collaborate and network in all major U.S. markets. Most importantly we are an inclusive community celebrating everything surrounding the maturity, extensibility, and growth of the Postgres ecosystem.

Previous Conferences
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Yugabyte Distributed SQL Webinar Series

City hall philadelphia

Philly 2019


Postgres Conference

151716 liberty state park

PostgresConf US 2018

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PGConf US 2017 [PgConf.US]


PGConf US 2016 [PgConf.US]

Our Team