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Denish Patel


Denish Patel's background spans a wide depth and breadth of expertise and experience in SQL/NoSQL database technologies. Using this knowledge, he helped to architect and designed numerous successful database solutions addressing challenging business requirements. Denish is a Sr. Database Architect/Database engineer. He holds an MBA from the Johns Hopkins University and a BS in Computer Science, and has spoken at various conferences around the globe. He has experience working with various industries and companies - Medallia, WithMe, OmniTI.

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Most people use at least one 3rd party script/tool to manage Postgres replication for building reliable solution for mission critical Postgres databases. Postgres 9.4's new features allow users to setup replication using built in features without compromising reliability and remove reliance on 3rd party tools. In this tutorial, I will walk you through replication options available in Postgres 9.4, selecting the right solution to achieve your business requirements, and things to consider for monitoring and maintaining your setup in production. This is a hands on tutorial so please bring your laptop with you. I will share VMs in advance that will be used during tutorial to setup replication with Postgres 9.4.

30 min
PGConf US 2016 [PgConf.US]